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Version: 7.x

pnpm run

Aliases: run-script

Ejecuta un script definido en el archivo de manifiesto del paquete.


Digamos que tiene un script watch configurado en su package.json así:

"scripts": {
"watch": "webpack --watch"

¡Ahora puedes ejecutar este script usando pnpm run watch! Simple, ¿verdad? Otra cosa a tener en cuenta para aquellos a los que les gusta ahorrar pulsaciones de teclas y tiempo es que todos los scripts tienen un alias como comandos pnpm, por lo que, en última instancia, pnpm watch es solo una abreviatura de pnpm run watch (SÓLO para scripts que no comparten el mismo nombre que los comandos pnpm ya existentes).

Running multiple scripts

Added in: v7.27.0

You may run multiple scripts at the same time by using a regex instead of the script name.

pnpm run "/<regex>/"

Run all scripts that start with watch::

pnpm run "/^watch:.*/"


Además del PATH preexistente del shell, pnpm run incluye node_modules/.bin en el PATH proporcionado a scripts. Esto significa que siempre y cuando tengas un paquete instalado, puedes usarlo en un script como un comando regular. Por ejemplo, si tiene instalado eslint, puede escribir un script así:

"lint": "eslint src --fix"

Y aunque eslint no está instalado globalmente en tu shell, se ejecutará.

Para espacios de trabajo "workspaces", <workspace root>/node_modules/.bin también se añade al PATH, por lo que si se instala una herramienta en la raíz del espacio de trabajo, puede llamarse en los scripts de cualquier paquete de espacio de trabajo.

Differences with npm run

By default, pnpm doesn't run arbitrary pre and post hooks for user-defined scripts (such as prestart). This behavior, inherited from npm, caused scripts to be implicit rather than explicit, obfuscating the execution flow. It also led to surprising executions with pnpm serve also running pnpm preserve.

If for some reason you need the pre/post scripts behavior of npm, use the enable-pre-post-scripts option.


There are some environment variables that pnpm automatically creates for the executed scripts. These environment variables may be used to get contextual information about the running process.

These are the environment variables created by pnpm:

  • npm_command - contains the name of the executed command. If the executed command is pnpm run, then the value of this variable will be "run-script".


Any options for the run command should be listed before the script's name. Options listed after the script's name are passed to the executed script.

All these will run pnpm CLI with the --silent option:

pnpm run --silent watch
pnpm --silent run watch
pnpm --silent watch

Any arguments after the command's name are added to the executed script. So if watch runs webpack --watch, then this command:

pnpm run watch --no-color

will run:

webpack --watch --no-color


  • Default: null
  • Tipo: path

The shell to use for scripts run with the pnpm run command.

For instance, to force usage of Git Bash on Windows:

pnpm config set script-shell "C:\\Program Files\\git\\bin\\bash.exe"


  • Por defecto: false
  • Tipo: Boolean

When true, pnpm will use a JavaScript implementation of a bash-like shell to execute scripts.

This option simplifies cross-platform scripting. For instance, by default, the next script will fail on non-POSIX-compliant systems:

"scripts": {
"test": "NODE_ENV=test node test.js"

But if the shell-emulator setting is set to true, it will work on all platforms.

--recursive, -r

This runs an arbitrary command from each package's "scripts" object. If a package doesn't have the command, it is skipped. If none of the packages have the command, the command fails.


You can use the --if-present flag to avoid exiting with a non-zero exit code when the script is undefined. This lets you run potentially undefined scripts without breaking the execution chain.


Completely disregard concurrency and topological sorting, running a given script immediately in all matching packages with prefixed streaming output. This is the preferred flag for long-running processes over many packages, for instance, a lengthy build process.


Stream output from child processes immediately, prefixed with the originating package directory. This allows output from different packages to be interleaved.


Aggregate output from child processes that are run in parallel, and only print output when the child process is finished. It makes reading large logs after running pnpm -r <command> with --parallel or with --workspace-concurrency=<number> much easier (especially on CI). Only --reporter=append-only is supported.


  • Por defecto: false
  • Tipo: Boolean

When true, pnpm will run any pre/post scripts automatically. So running pnpm foo will be like running pnpm prefoo && pnpm foo && pnpm postfoo.

--resume-from <nombre_paquete>

Added in: v7.22.0

Continúa la ejecución de un proyecto en particular. Esto puede ser útil si estás trabajando con un área de trabajo grande y quieres reiniciar una compilación en un proyecto particular sin ejecutar a través de todos los proyectos que lo preceden en el orden de compilación.


Added in: v7.28.0

Record the result of the scripts executions into a pnpm-exec-summary.json file.

An example of a pnpm-exec-summary.json file:

"executionStatus": {
"/Users/zoltan/src/pnpm/pnpm/cli/command": {
"status": "passed",
"duration": 1861.143042
"/Users/zoltan/src/pnpm/pnpm/cli/common-cli-options-help": {
"status": "passed",
"duration": 1865.914958

Possible values of status are: 'passed', 'queued', 'running'.

--filter <package_selector>

Leer más acerca del filtrado.